The need to write scholarly academic papers can never be traded for anything else. It is either you do it right or wrong. But who wants to keep failing anyway when one can simply get dissertation writing help from any professional writer or thesis agency out there? Well, while every student strives to excel, it should be understood that this can vary from one paper to another. Some are complex and others are simple. You cannot for instance say crafting a thesis is as easy as doing a narrative essay or the other way round even though this hugely depends on one’s literary skills. Later on in this post, I will explore in details, little-known differences between a thesis and dissertation, terms which are often used interchangeably; at least to enable many confused students out there gain knowledge mileage and do scholarly writing on each.
Dissertation and thesis: Confusion and consequences
Term papers do not just vary in approach taken when writing but also their very definition and purpose. Sometimes, curriculum systems in different countries are very definitive when it comes to determining these variations. And while it is agreeable that most of the times; students partake on academic writing just for the sake of getting the highest marks, there is need to understand what each stand for. This should cut across essays, thesis, dissertations and research papers. Thus, even when it comes to hiring dissertation writing services, instructions should be clearly stated to avoid undesirable outcomes.
In spite of theses and dissertations having been integral components of higher learning for many years now, they still pose difficulties to learners around the world. Take instances where a student mistakes a thesis for dissertation or the other way round. As a result, there are many cases where many have ended up with poor grades simply because instead of composing a thesis, they ended up submitting a dissertation. It therefore begs the question; is there a way to set the record straight and stay on the safer side for better grades?
The differences may not always be clear cut but it is not a justification for submitting the wrong paper. In fact, it won’t even count if you have the best dissertation written. Take a look below for not-so-obvious differences between a dissertation and thesis.
- Differences premised on academic level
- New Knowledge versus continued research
- Approach based differences
- Opinion versus subject variations
Students who have pursued their studies into postgraduate levels hold almost similar opinions when it comes to this. Most agree that dissertation is a paper crafted by those who pursue a postgraduate degree such as MBA and MPhil. On the other hand, thesis papers are done by those pursuing a graduate /doctoral degree usually abbreviated as (PhD).
This however vary from one country to another depending on whether the one is expected to prove a point based on researched conducted at Masters level or whether a topic for PhD paper is something different in its entirety.
Another approach which has been used to distinguish these terms is based on whether one is required to provide proof of knowledge obtained at postgraduate level and in which case, such a paper qualifies as a thesis. On the contrary, digging up new information for innovative ideas based on newly developed theories and practises often qualify a paper as dissertation. In other words, papers that are a furtherance of existing research are regarded as thesis in graduate studies while those meant to develop new knowledge and theoretical/practical approaches are regarded as dissertation.
This heavily borrows from new knowledge versus continued research. Well, a good number among the best dissertation review you will most like come across will always state that is all about writing a paper from scratch. It’s more or less being asked to come up with a totally unique topic and conduct investigation in areas which are relatively new in order to generative new dependable knowledge. On this premise, you have to come up with own theoretical/practical approaches say, a new topic and methodology for MBA dissertation. On the other hand, theses papers are advancements of previously researched topics, learned concepts and theories. For more clarity, thesis papers conclusively rely on original study data and information that one collects while dissertations are based on information/data that one collects on his or her own. The commonality here is premised on the fact that there should be evidence.
A dissertation writer for hire should understand that to a good one, a lot of emphasis is on author’s opinion than subject. Thesis on the other hand lays more emphasis on subject research with one’s opinion taking a back seat.